An .APK file (e.g. Android Package) is a compressed collection of files (i.e. a package) for Android. It could be extracted as an regular archive.
A .DEX file (.e.g Dalvik EXecutable) is an executable file saved in a format that contains compiled code that Android systems can run.
When auditing an APK, transforming it to human-readable formats is usually required.
Install notesAdd Kali repo to your sources
Copy echo "deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
Note that if you haven’t updated your Kali installation in some time, you will like receive a GPG error about the repository key being expired (ED444FF07D8D0BF6
). Fortunately, this issue is quickly resolved by running the following as root:
Copy wget -q -O - | apt-key add
Install softwares
Copy apt install unzip smali apktool dex2jar jadx
Copy # Uncompress an APK
unzip application.apk -d ./application-unzipped/
# Disassemble DEX
baksmali d ./application-unzipped/classes.dex -o ./application-unzipped/classes.dex.out/ 2> /dev/null
# Convert .DEX files to JAVA Jar file (.class files)
d2j-dex2jar application.apk -o application.jar
# Decompile .DEX files
jadx application.apk -j $( grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo ) -d ./application-jadx/ > /dev/null
# Unpack the APK
apktool d application.apk -o ./application-unpacked/